Neil and Rush and Me

Neil PeartのドラムとRushの音楽をこよなく愛する大学教員の日記(雑記)帳です。


Modern Age誌の2010 FALL issueに掲載された拙論「The political economy of Edmund Burke: a new perspective」がweb上でも閲覧可能になった。

掲載号の巻頭言(EditorであるR. V. Youngが執筆)で拙論は以下のように紹介されている。光栄なことである。

Nobuhiko Nakazawa and Ronald E. Osborn both shed new light on figures from the past who still exercise a powerful influence over political thought in the twenty-first century. Nakazawa examines the economic thought of Edmund Burke and finds it less a matter of straightforward laissez-faire technical determinations than of subtle "political oeconomy." The chief ingredient in Burke's economic thought, as in all his political judgments, Nakazawa maintains, is prudence rather than a set of specific rules--a conclusion that Russell Kirk would doubtless have found agreeable. Addressing the charismatic and somewhat sinister figure of Friedrich Nietzsche, Ronald Osborn urges us not to be misled by repeated exonerations of the German philosopher of culpability for the political nihilism that has grown out of his works.*1